“Thank you very much Ms. Carol for all the learnings and encouraging messages along the way. I feel like I could grow up and see the different things that I’ve never seen before. I am transformed after completing our 10 sessions. It’s amazing! You are one very nice & responsible mentor with a beauty from your heart. You’re such a hands-on trainer and I respect you very much. I consider you to my best AICI Trainer in the world. Thank you to you & for EYI Team who have helped us all this time. God bless you & family!”
– Honami Nishikawa (Pageant Training, August -September 2015)
“My first time in Manila, adjusting to married life & all..t’was great meeting you in person at an event and enrolling for BASIC IMAGE. Our one-on-one coaching sessions are filled with activities, real life situations, practice & homeworks, plus a bonus of Personal Shopping & culminated with The Lunch Experience. The many theories have been validated by the experience itself. And today I believe that this is a process. I will recommend this to anyone out there requiring personal growth and self-discovery. Thank you!”
– Sonam Sakhrani (Basic Image, June – August 2016)
“Hi Ms. Carol. It was a blessing meeting you and being under your wings for BASIC IMAGE. I never thought that personality development covers so many subjects. There is no topic that’s lesser in importance, as weighing it today surely has contributed to the over-all effect it has had on me. Celebrating my 18th Birthday afterwards gave me a renewed confidence and spirit that I can shine on my own & it’s ok to be me!”
– Darlene Vivienne Tolentino (Basic Image, September – November 2017)
“You’re one very energetic and warm image consultant Ms. Carol. We appreciate your commitment to take this nationwide runs which have taken us to 52 provinces all around the Philippines. Our medical doctors target groups had so much fun and it was a great welcome change for them to be gifted with your 3-hour program. Your stamina, drive and passion overflows!.”
– Arnel Rosal. Professional Insights Marketing Services, Inc.
(ELITE Cascade Program Embracing The Total Person, January – December 2012)
“Thank you for accommodating our company on a weekend Saturday Ms. Carol. Your professionalism, poise & confidence is very much inspiring. My staffs were all grateful for the experience, the knowledge, the practical activities which they all enjoyed. One whole day felt like a short hours only. More power and blessings to you and company for the coming year!”
– Grace Morfe dela Rama, President, Morfe, Ceneta & Company CPA’s
(Impeccable Image With the Accountants, 3 December 2016 )
“You were able to address the issues we have with the team with leveling up their image and honing their soft skills. Customer service with clients, keeping the sense of compusore and interactions with the various departments in the company were achieved. Everyone had fun and it was a worthwhile day well spent! “
– Samuel Liuson, President, Concept One Wheels
(Service With An Attitude: Bringing Out Your A-Game!, 27 April 2017)
“It was one beautiful and productive Saturday weekend with all the staffs from our various branches. We were all excited and looking forward to this day. I saw them all laughing, interacting, participating and especially learning! Thank you Ms. Carol for sharing your knowledge and training with us.
– Susan Co-Ong, President, Pretty Looks Aesthetic Center
(Impeccable Image with Pretty Looks, 29 April 2016)
“You hit it with a bulls-eye mark! We are happy and thanksful from TEAM EXCITE! Our kick-off event this 2017 was done the right way. You handled excellently the big advertising and rowdy crowd who were all roaring to start the quarter with a big bang. Looking forward meeting our targets set with various clients armed with the knowledge of better self-presentation, communicating with more meaning and behaving with positive purpose. Until our next trainings, thank you Ms. Carol!”
– Jet Jalandoni Cornejo, President, Team Excite
(The Power of Professional Presence, 24 February 2017)
“Your expertise as an Image Consultant is a very much welcome change to our typical in-house trainings at MegEdgeFort. Our 52 participants were all challenged & highly engaged which makes it very timely especially with this group of top-producing real estate sellers. The various learnings incorporating the international standards of IITTI helped open our eyes to the real situation overseas and how we can be at par with our many international clients. This will continue to shape us to be better individuals and meet our goals for the next years to come!”
– Reina Jennifer Chiquillo, AVP Training & Development, Megaworld Corporation
(2017 Leaders Conference: Adopting the IITTI Global Standards for Impact & Influence, 27 & 28 November 2017)