04 December 2018 (Tuesday) It’s amazing what a team can accomplish when we work together. It has been 18 months from the date I first signed up with our property developer #MEGAWORLDCorporation under Megaworld Brokers Network. A big ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone at MBN for your consistent updates, support & presence! “Give thanks to the […]
Merry CHRISTmas!
Wishing everyone a blessed CHRISTmas! ❤ I Stand Out & Shine! I www.enhanceyourimage.asia #CertifiedImageProfessional #SoftSkillsMatter #AssociationOfImageConsultantsInternational #AICIPhilippineChapter #OneOnOneCoaching #GroupTraining #CorporateImage #EnhanceYourImageTrainingConsultancy
Photoshoot for MWAF
Sharing a short video snippet from our recent photoshoot 😊 #KeepGoing #PersonalGrowth #CertifiedImageProfessional #LicensedRealEstateBroker #EnhanceYourImageTrainingConsultancy #MegaworldCorporation #PeaceHopeLoveJoyBlessingsForever #GodIsGoodAllTheTime I Stand Out & Shine! I www.enhanceyourimage.asia https://www.facebook.com/carolina.tan.71/videos/2097774343578862/ MAKING MEMORIES: Every photoshoot is an opportunity to improve. Bodyshot, in contemplation mode..’TRUST & WAIT for what is still unseen.’ (Romans 8:24) #CertifiedImageProfessional #LicensedRealEstateBroker #PersonalGrowth #EnhanceYourImageTrainingConsultancy #MegaworldCorporation #PeaceHopeLoveJoyBlessingsForever […]
Real Estate Broker: Modeling A Challengi...
Blessed to be a Real Estate Broker..Thank you Lord for the privilege to market our projects & serve our clients! ❤ #MBNWhiteChristmas #MBNThanksgiving #TheBestIsHere #TownshipsAreUs #McKinleyHill #McKinleyWest #UptownBonifacio #LicensedRealEstateBroker #MegaworldBrokersNetwork #MegaworldCorporation
Megaworld Corporation: MWAF Thanksgiving...
04 December 2018 (Tuesday): Hotel Savoy Manila GRATEFUL FOR GOD’S GOODNESS: It is a bonus blessing to receive awards for real estate production. I joined #MegaworldBrokersNetwork June 2017 last year. Appreciate much the support of #MegaworldCorporation sales & marketing team, the willingness to invest & trust of clients and associates to come up with last […]
2018 Christmas Party & GMM: AICI Philipp
03 December 2018 (Monday) WOW IN SAFARI FASHION: At our #AICIPhilippineChapter GMM & Christmas Party 2018 last night: Wow in safari chic fashion! THANK YOU to Centuria Medical (Century Properties) for our beautiful rooftop venue on the 24th floor, to our 2 guest speakers Dr. Joel Nicdao (Cosmetic Surgery) & Ms. Malou Tiongson-Ortiz (Author & […]
Experience with the SpinCam 360!
https://www.facebook.com/carolina.tan.71/videos/2096905710332392/UzpfSTM0ODEwMzI3ODU2MzIyMToyNTA4NDc5OTk1ODU4ODYx/ 10 – 12 seconds of limelight with this cool spinning video experience. Thank you Camille Anton & Boggs Mendoza of SPINCAM360 for this souvenir & #PrettyLooksAt35! 😀 I Stand Out & Shine! I www.enhanceyourimage.asia #CertifiedImageProfessional #SoftSkillsMatter #OneOnOneCoaching #GroupTraining #CorporateImage #AssociationOfImageConsultantsInternational #AICIPhilippineChapter #EnhanceYourImageTrainingConsultancy
A night of glamour & celebrities-filled celebration: ENHANCE YOUR IMAGE Training Consultancy congratulates Ms. Susan Dela Fuente C0-Ong & the entire PRETTY LOOKS Aesthetic Center Team on your 35th Anniversary! ❤ Thank you for the invite: OKADA Manila, 02 December 2018 (Sunday) As a client, I have personally witnessed your humble hearts, love for people […]
Working As A Team: Celebrating the 2018 ...
23 November 2018 (Friday) WORKING AS A TEAM: ‘HAPPY INTERNATIONAL IMAGE CONSULTANTS DAY 2018!’ from the #AICIPhilippineChapter 😊 T’was one very sunny Friday today, everyone got sweaty but fulfilled. The active participation of the girls from their teens & up at the HAVEN FOR WOMEN, Alabang gave joy to our hearts as they volunteered individual […]