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On-on-One Coaching

ENHANCE YOUR IMAGE Training Consultancy provides seminars to fit your needs.

Learn Appearance, Behaviour and Communication.

Projecting a winning image to create a powerful first impression

Carol is a Certified Image Consultant

She is also a member of the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI).

Corporate Image workshops sharpen people skills

develop inner substance, and create competitive edge specific to the different career and business fields.

MBN Thanksgiving Dinner

04 December 2018 (Tuesday) It’s amazing what a team can accomplish when we work together. It has been 18 months from the date I first signed up with our property developer #MEGAWORLDCorporation under Megaworld Brokers Network. A big ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone at MBN for your consistent updates, support & presence! “Give thanks to the […]

Merry CHRISTmas!

Wishing everyone a blessed CHRISTmas! ❤ I Stand Out & Shine! I #CertifiedImageProfessional #SoftSkillsMatter #AssociationOfImageConsultantsInternational #AICIPhilippineChapter #OneOnOneCoaching #GroupTraining #CorporateImage #EnhanceYourImageTrainingConsultancy

Photoshoot for MWAF

Sharing a short video snippet from our recent photoshoot 😊 #KeepGoing #PersonalGrowth #CertifiedImageProfessional #LicensedRealEstateBroker #EnhanceYourImageTrainingConsultancy #MegaworldCorporation #PeaceHopeLoveJoyBlessingsForever #GodIsGoodAllTheTime I Stand Out & Shine! I   MAKING MEMORIES: Every photoshoot is an opportunity to improve. Bodyshot, in contemplation mode..’TRUST & WAIT for what is still unseen.’ (Romans 8:24) #CertifiedImageProfessional #LicensedRealEstateBroker #PersonalGrowth #EnhanceYourImageTrainingConsultancy #MegaworldCorporation #PeaceHopeLoveJoyBlessingsForever […]

Experience with the SpinCam 360! 10 – 12 seconds of limelight with this cool spinning video experience. Thank you Camille Anton & Boggs Mendoza of SPINCAM360 for this souvenir & #PrettyLooksAt35! 😀 I Stand Out & Shine! I #CertifiedImageProfessional #SoftSkillsMatter #OneOnOneCoaching #GroupTraining #CorporateImage #AssociationOfImageConsultantsInternational #AICIPhilippineChapter #EnhanceYourImageTrainingConsultancy


A night of glamour & celebrities-filled celebration: ENHANCE YOUR IMAGE Training Consultancy congratulates Ms. Susan Dela Fuente C0-Ong & the entire PRETTY LOOKS Aesthetic Center Team on your 35th Anniversary! ❤ Thank you for the invite: OKADA Manila, 02 December 2018 (Sunday) As a client, I have personally witnessed your humble hearts, love for people […]