GREAT 2-HOURS MEETING TO CATCH UP: When one loves the company of people, time is not a factor. I’m happy to be here today. Looking forward to the rollout of our #IITTIBusinessLevel1 in 2020. Thank you everyone! 😊 I Stand Out & Shine! I
PERSISTENCE: Does this mean anything to you? What is your personal definition of this? How do you practice it in your daily life? The ‘never give up’ mentality.. keep going even if it’s difficult or firmness of purpose. I sum this in 3 words – DETERMINATION. DILIGENCE & DEDICATION. I Stand Out & Shine! I
AICI Philippine Chapter_IMAGE FORUM 2019
Remembering back when I was in Grade 2 at our then Palawan Teacher’s College (now Palawan State University)..Class representative for an upcoming competition. I had to memorize a very long declamation piece in English (at age 8 believe me, I didn’t understand the meaning of complicated words). Add to that pronouncing every word correctly with […]
Lesson From McDonald’s
How cool is this! It’s the first time I literally went down & inside this McDonald’s branch (as usually it’s via drive-thru service). PERSISTENCE is one character value I personally hold on to and believe with all my heart. This is a daily habit that I’ve been practicing. When the going gets tough, keep doing. […]
Happy 121st Philippine Independence Day!
Freedom is a blessing, a privilege that comes with its own set of responsibilities. “We have freedom now because CHRIST has made us free.” (Galatians 5:1) I Stand Out & Shine! I
What Is Your DREAM?
So how does a Personality Development talk on a Friday morning on this part of the South go? Let me walk you through. SUCCESS & SIGNIFICANCE: CREATING YOUR MARK: This morning Waze took me to a side street & a carwash place. When I called and checked the address with the point person, it turns […]
ENCOURAGEMENT: This refers to the action of giving someone support & backing. My personal understanding and experience of the above can be summed up in 3 ways: 1) Encouragement is INSPIRATION! The positive examples I see in another person makes me want to improve & be better. During my elementary days, I had a female […]
Did you go through this moment during kindergarten? I remember we did the spiel back then at private school Palawan Teachers College (now Palawan State University). How did you answer yours? My answer to the spiel then was: ‘An international flight stewardess!’.. In 1996 after several screenings from close to a thousand applicants, written exams […]