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On-on-One Coaching

ENHANCE YOUR IMAGE Training Consultancy provides seminars to fit your needs.

Learn Appearance, Behaviour and Communication.

Projecting a winning image to create a powerful first impression

Carol is a Certified Image Consultant

She is also a member of the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI).

Corporate Image workshops sharpen people skills

develop inner substance, and create competitive edge specific to the different career and business fields.

Mastering Non-Verbal Communication Via I...

Our Learning Outcomes: 1) Define none-verbal communication & its relations to image. 2) Demonstrate negative vs. positive impressions. 3) Identify the 4 basic types of non-verbal communication. 4) Illustrate concrete examples for strengthening first impressions. 5) Participants will develop their own strategies for enhancing professional image using non-verbal communication. And more! THANK YOU for your […]


PERSISTENCE: Does this mean anything to you? What is your personal definition of this? How do you practice it in your daily life? The ‘never give up’ mentality.. keep going even if it’s difficult or firmness of purpose. I sum this in 3 words – DETERMINATION. DILIGENCE & DEDICATION. I Stand Out & Shine! I


Remembering back when I was in Grade 2 at our then Palawan Teacher’s College (now Palawan State University)..Class representative for an upcoming competition. I had to memorize a very long declamation piece in English (at age 8 believe me, I didn’t understand the meaning of complicated words). Add to that pronouncing every word correctly with […]

Lesson From McDonald’s

How cool is this! It’s the first time I literally went down & inside this McDonald’s branch (as usually it’s via drive-thru service). PERSISTENCE is one character value I personally hold on to and believe with all my heart. This is a daily habit that I’ve been practicing. When the going gets tough, keep doing. […]