Our morning sessions started on a high & happy note with Delby P. Bragais, AICI CIM giving the keynote. This was followed by Toni Miranda, AICI CIC; Ginny Villegas, AICI CIC; Paulo Canivel with his ‘Executive Mens Wear’ ending with Debbie Inciong. The afternoon sessions were equally meaty with Vanessa Peronilla, Rita Dayrit, AICI CIC […]
AICI Philippine Chapter_Image Forum 2019
LAST FEW SEATS LEFT! The room is packed. See you all on Thursday September 19th! 😊 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/impact-of-image-best-practices… Join us & learn! For my segments: Oral communication is one of the most important life skills one can ever learn. It is one thing to be heard & another to be..”UNLOCKING CAREER SUCCESS VIA VERBAL COMMUNICATION IN […]
Mastering Non-Verbal Communication Via I...
Our Learning Outcomes: 1) Define none-verbal communication & its relations to image. 2) Demonstrate negative vs. positive impressions. 3) Identify the 4 basic types of non-verbal communication. 4) Illustrate concrete examples for strengthening first impressions. 5) Participants will develop their own strategies for enhancing professional image using non-verbal communication. And more! THANK YOU for your […]
IMAGE CONSULTANCY in the 21st Century
Enhance Your Image Training Consultancy Published by Carolina Tan · July 19 at 9:34 AM · Happy to contribute.. Thank you to one of my mentors & valued clients too. Enjoy reading our #AICIGlobalMagazine July 2019 issue! I Stand Out & Shine! I…
Reconnecting with PIMS-GOC
GREAT 2-HOURS MEETING TO CATCH UP: When one loves the company of people, time is not a factor. I’m happy to be here today. Looking forward to the rollout of our #IITTIBusinessLevel1 in 2020. Thank you everyone! 😊 I Stand Out & Shine! I
PERSISTENCE: Does this mean anything to you? What is your personal definition of this? How do you practice it in your daily life? The ‘never give up’ mentality.. keep going even if it’s difficult or firmness of purpose. I sum this in 3 words – DETERMINATION. DILIGENCE & DEDICATION. I Stand Out & Shine! I
AICI Philippine Chapter_IMAGE FORUM 2019
Remembering back when I was in Grade 2 at our then Palawan Teacher’s College (now Palawan State University)..Class representative for an upcoming competition. I had to memorize a very long declamation piece in English (at age 8 believe me, I didn’t understand the meaning of complicated words). Add to that pronouncing every word correctly with […]
Lesson From McDonald’s
How cool is this! It’s the first time I literally went down & inside this McDonald’s branch (as usually it’s via drive-thru service). PERSISTENCE is one character value I personally hold on to and believe with all my heart. This is a daily habit that I’ve been practicing. When the going gets tough, keep doing. […]
Happy 121st Philippine Independence Day!
Freedom is a blessing, a privilege that comes with its own set of responsibilities. “We have freedom now because CHRIST has made us free.” (Galatians 5:1) I Stand Out & Shine! I www.enhanceyourimage.asia