“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” – Charles Darwin Are you self-motivated & disciplined? How effective are you in communicating with others? Are you open to learning & adaptable to the changes around you? These and more.. Some scenarios at the workplace: […]
DRESSING UNDER OUR NEW REALITY TAKES ON A NEW MEANING. I usually don’t go for online shopping before. But staying safe is top priority nowadays hence ordering items has become a practical choice. Yes we don’t get to see in person & physically fit these clothes, but at least it gets delivered to our home […]
TEENS Personal Development Program By F....
TEEN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (Ages 12 – 17 years old) We’re here because we want your children and teens to succeed in their personal lives and future professional careers. That’s why we are offering the TEENS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM that enhances their Appearance, Behavior and Communication. Our classes will help them to realize and fully […]
KIDS Personality Development Program By ...
Do you want your kids to be more confident? Do you want them to learn proper etiquette and social graces? We’re here because we want your children and teens to succeed in their personal lives and future professional careers. That’s why we are offering the KIDS PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (Ages 6 – 12) that enhances […]
Lamudi Academy Journal: Bouncing Back fr...
Thank you #LamudiAcademy for this journal apart from our recorded webinar. We love REAL ESTATE & YES bouncing back. God bless everyone! 😊 #CertifiedImageProfessional #LicensedRealEstateBroker
The New Normal Of Soft Skills For Real E...
THINK ABOUT THESE: 1) How many of you would like to continue being a successful real estate professional in your field? 2) How many of you would like to learn the secrets of significance under ‘our new reality’? JOIN US as we go through our 3 Learning Outcomes & adapt the practical how-to’s to make […]
How Can Real Estate Professionals Bounce...
Carolina D. Tan, AICI CIP, President of Enhance Your Image Training Consultancy and Real EstateBroker will be joining us tomorrow to discuss how real estate brokers and agents can bounce back from COVID-19 in the latest episode of Lamudi Broker Central: You Ask, Experts Answer. Click below on the link to join us!
Appearance, Behavior & Communication: Ma
DO YOU KNOW THAT WE ALL HAVE INHERENT TALENTS & SKILLS (AND TYPICALLY HAVE A PASSION FOR) THAT WHEN PROPERLY TAPPED CAN BE USED IN A DIVERSE VARIETY OF OCCUPATIONS? This makes certain types of tasks more preferable to others. For some, talents are specialized, such as gift for arts and music. For others, talents […]
HAPPY TO BE OF SERVICE: How would you like to learn practical video conference etiquette tips? How about elevating your overall online meeting experience? Today’s webinar was all about that. The 3 Learning Outcomes we covered are: 1) To stay connected plus confidently navigate the world of virtual meetings thereby increasing our work productivity. 2) […]
Time Flies: Blessed to Serve at AICI Phi...
(5-17-20) Dear Miselle Bergonia, THANK YOU for your great leadership. To our board team t’was a wonderful 2years serving with you! Shout out to Delby P. Bragais, Abbygale Arenas, Tati Fortuna, Charisse De Guzman-Roldan, Victoria Debbie Inciong, Vanessa Valera-Peronilla, Toni Miranda & Ginny Villegas ❤ To the incoming #AICIPhilippineChapter 2020 – 2022 Board, CONGRATULATIONS & […]