What is a Mother inclined to do, now that is’s nearing summer here in the tropics? For one with kids it is high time to think and consider worthwhile activites that would spell “summer fun” coupled with positive learning. Feedback from parents range from finding something that will keep their children occupied and engaged, physically appealing, in an environment that will enable them to make friends their age group, that will keep them learning and improving especially as they are still in the growing stage. Lastly to be considered also is the program cost, as mothers are on a budget and would want to maximize what they can do for the whole family:

ONE-ON-ONE COACHING: Is a focused program of sessions, ranging from Basic, Intermediate & Advance Level, designed to customize learning and see progress step by step.

GROUP TRAINING: Is a special training for select grouping e.g. kids, teens, young adults, graduates, executives, moms etc. who happen to share a common interest. As such the program is tailor fit for their specific goals. Cost-wise it will be cheaper here than to take the program individually, since it will be one program for the entire group.

CORPORATE WORKSHOPS: Customized program module for companies working with specific units/ department, with a need to accomplish training at a set time frame. Can run across industries whether horizontal or vertical.

To know more check “SUMMER WORKSHOPS 2013!” under EVENTS.