##ThrivingThuraday: “ThrivingThursday: “The best cosmetic one can wear is GLOWING SKIN! While ageing is a fact of life, looking your actual age is not.”
The skin is the largest organ in the body, covering its entire external surface. It has 3 layers—the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis, which have different anatomical structures and functions.
My PERSONAL TIPS for mature women:
✴️ TAKE IT EASY ON WEARING MAKE-UP. Too often & wearing a lot of this can make one look older and unnatural.
✴️ AVOID OVER-WASHING & EXFOLIATING. Cleansing too much can activate our oil glands, clog pores while over-shedding leads to dry & flaky skin.
✴️ SLEEP ON IT. The benefits of catching enough 💤 can’t be overstated when it comes to health & beauty. Today more than ever, quality sleep matters big time. Lights off, black out curtains & some lavender mist on my pillow helps.
Private Coaching. Corporate Training. Online Learning. CONTACT CAROLINA 📞+63 917 8549887 or 📧carol@enhanceyourimage.asia
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