MOTIVATI0N MONDAY: Rainy, typhoon weather yes. WFH ongoing!
Some tips to inspire:
✴️ OUR GRASS IS GREEN 💚! Use what we already have & with the time that’s in our hands.
✴️ BE IN THE RADAR OF CLIENTS. One can never go wrong with calling. Many business owners & executives work long hours. People in roles where sales are important will always answer a ringing phone.
✴️ TELL STORIES WITH AUTHENTICITY & EVIDENCE. You think storytelling is simply a part of effective communication? It’s more for this is a distinct skill. When what we share is clear & engaging – this becomes memorable to our buyers, appeal to their emotions & encourage action.
Private Coaching. Corporate Training. Online Learning. CONTACT CAROLINA 📞 +63 917 8549887 or 📧carol@enhanceyourimage.asia
I Stand Out & Shine! I
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