It’s a Thriving Thursday: What do we & can we LEARN about? If we look at how this is defined, it will bring us to “acquiring knowledge, more skills in something, becoming aware through information or by being taught”.
My personal take on WHY adult education is an ever evolving process:
✅️ BETTER COGNITIVE HEALTH. According to studies lifelong learning improves the function of the brain, keeping us sharp at any age.
✅️ INCREASED ENGAGEMENT. Connections we make in the various stages of life are invaluable – whether we’re looking to maintain or expand the business, provide opportunities or unique insights from our fields of expertise.
✅️ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. When we want to be marketable & competitive in our calling, continously adding on to what we already know brings us to a different level. There’s no such thing as “one seminar or training has it all”, rather a commitment to this journey that constantly expands our capacities.
Lastly wouldn’t we be smiling having the bonus of productively EARNing? 💸
Private Coaching. Corporate Training. Online Learning. CONTACT CAROLINA at +63 917 8549887 or email carol@enhanceyourimage.asia
I Stand Out & Shine! I
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