Remembering years ago doing my Vision Board then that once I turn 50, it will be a relaxed pace doing work. For so many years it has been living a fast-paced life that kept me occupied full. Today as I look at this photo taken just few days ago..my best is already here today! 😀
Some Realizations:
✔️ Being mindful of what’s happening, no matter how plain looking it is fills the “joy tank” within;
✔️ I’m finding fulfillment in the here & now, especially with the bonus of spending time with people that matter most in our lives (Family is l❤️ve); finally
✔️ Recharging & practicing self-care will ensure a healthier existence and enable me to be more effective in living out my commitment to the soft skills and real estate professions
What is really important in your life today? Do you have the courage it takes to build around that? How are you setting the foundation for the future & your legacy behind?
“I will be your God throughout your lifetime– until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.” (Isaiah 46:4, NLT)
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