Blessed to join the AICI PH Board of Directors 2022 – 2024 LEADERSHIP TRAINING yesterday.
Sharing my personal take and learnings: 1) CHANGE starts from within. We should be willing to identify what does not work anymore & open-minded to shift to new ways. 2) COLLABORATION is not an outright competition, rather a positive way to service our clients better. With skill sets that each one is best at, a power team is what we will be proud to have. Finally 3) CONSISTENCY in our actions and heart of service will turn clients to loyal believers of the brand.

Thank you Aici Philippine Chapter for hosting & Mr. Kingson Sian for your generosity of time and sharing of thoughts! ❤ With us in photo too are Ingrid Nieto-Pagulayan, Vanessa Valera-Peronilla, Tati Fortuna, Julia Robillos, Jen Alava-Francisco, Ginny Villegas & Miselle Bergonia.
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