Borrowing from the words of Bill Gates, “Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react & reinvent”. When the timing is right everything flows smoothly and this day is no exception. Since the pandemic started last year, most businesses have revised their daily work routine and schemes for its work force. Today we have proven once again that the team that meets together grows together.
I took the liberty of taking this candid video while to maximize time while here at the HQ..
What a very impressive sight to see this “Wall Of Champions” 🙂 A big CONGRATULATIONS to these top producers!

And when a company has clear-cut goals set in place, the direction of growth is certainly up and beyond expectations 👍

Meeting with the Founder & Chairman is a comfortable chat for updates and plans for the company. We were joined by the EVP followed by the VP for Marketing & Training. Thank you for the warm Royale welcome!

And from here onwards we will let these photos speak for itself..

“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” (T.S. Eliot). Looking forward to our Season 1 of Online Trainings as our pilot run begins this August!
*Carolina D. Tan, AICI CIP is happy to be the exclusive ROYALE Soft Skills Specialist
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