HAPPY TO BE OF SERVICE: How would you like to learn practical video conference etiquette tips? How about elevating your overall online meeting experience? Today’s webinar was all about that.
The 3 Learning Outcomes we covered are: 1) To stay connected plus confidently navigate the world of virtual meetings thereby increasing our work productivity. 2) To ensure clearer communication between parties involved & make it easy for our clients to reach us. And 3) To be reminded that our image matters online to successfully convey a professional & credible brand.

A lot of us have apprehensions ranging from fear of digital technology to the how to’s of doing it right. More challenging than ever as people see and hear us – both via audio and video, hence there are no more excuses to fail. Using myself and our present area as the subject example, here are some of the slides from the presentation to learn practical tips from to make your current set-up advantageous to you and your career.

And an audio glitch was not a hindrance to finishing the session either. I appreciate your feedback and questions everyone. A big THANK YOU for the 102 participants who joined us this morning at Zoom & FB Live. Cheers #MegaworldCorporation!
This is an initiative from the LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT TEAMS of #MegaworldAtTheFort and #TheMactanNewtown.

I Stand Out & Shine! I
Hi Carolina Tan,
Thank you for putting up such informative details about video-conferencing. Invaluable for what is to come in the business world all over!
Congrats and thank you again!
Patrick Chun
IITTI Executive Director