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What’s Your ATTITUDE?

Seriously, have you thought about this? The BEHAVIOUR component of image may not be heard but it is easily seen. Are you 1) believable in what you say? 2) likable because of your pleasant personality? or 3) trustworthy as evidenced by your track record? The above are just some of the priceless benefits you can […]

Color Matters!

COLOR MATTERS: Without these, we would be living in a black & white world. Colors play a vital role as it – affects our mood, way of thinking, can be soothing, can even elevate your blood or enhance appetite. In the corporate world & from the appearance point of view, it can make an individual […]


VIDEO COACHING: Happy to be working from home office today! 😊 For inquiries, CONTACT US +63-917-8549887 or email I Stand Out & Shine! I #ProductiveUseOfTime #CertifiedImageProfessional #imCIP #SoftSkillsTrainer #AssociationOfImageConsultantsInternational #AICIPhilippineChapter #EnhanceYourImageTrainingConsultancy