Blessed to share insights on PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT during our recent Image Hub, by the #AICIPhilippineChapter.
Nowadays it’s not a simply issue of ‘what’s your job title or rank’ as we can all be equal as team members. HR or human resources sure has evolved through the years. They now play a more critical role that of being – strategic partner, employee advocate & change champion.

My Top 3 tips:
1) LOVE YOUR PEOPLE. Don’t just hire, onboard & pay. How wonderful it would be if employers can also connect to the heart.
2) EMBRACE YOUR DREAMS. During the 20-minute coaching session for each of these 2 groups, I asked them to ‘Name your 3 hidden talents.’ Suprisingly their answers were all unrelated to their current professions.
3) KEEP LEARNING & VALUE TRAINING. What could be worse than not training your people & yet keeping them. If we want goals to be accomplished & results to happen, then medium to longterm & frequent is the way to go!

Curious to learn more? You can reach us at +63-917-8549887 or email
I Stand Out & Shine! I
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