So how does a Personality Development talk on a Friday morning on this part of the South go? Let me walk you through.
SUCCESS & SIGNIFICANCE: CREATING YOUR MARK: This morning Waze took me to a side street & a carwash place. When I called and checked the address with the point person, it turns out this actually used to be their former location. Bottomline is I’m happy to have an hour of buffer time as arrived 30 minutes before our scheduled talk at the right location 😊
Thank you Dr. E.G. Ong for your recommendation. I’m privileged to be this morning’s Resource Speaker on Personality Development for “The 14th Faculty Development” of the various deans and professionals at the Lyceum of Alabang. Dr. Roden Samson & company, your warm accommodation is much appreciated.

Great Friday morning to be here & meet everyone! Thank you Sir E.G. Eduard G Ong for your recommendation 😊

Thank you LYCEUM OF ALABANG 😊 Until our next meeting, have a blessed day everyone!

I Stand Out & Shine! I
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