A book with a personal dedication & handwritten letter – these are special items that I treasure from the bottom of my heart!

Dear Ferial Youakim, I had ‘BEYOND BEAUTY’ in the Philippines last 2018 after waiting 8.5 weeks of ordering it online. Read it & then the book never returned again in my hands.. until today. THANK YOU very much for your thoughtfulness, generosity & personalized message.
What really touched me here is the reality of your life and experiences along the way – with all its ups & downs & colors too. You are very brave to share personal details & that makes you unique. You are one committed woman who loves God, her family & others that come your way. ‘BEYOND BEAUTY’ for me represents the inner you that radiates with joy & confidence. The Lord continue to shower his blessings on you & your family! ❤
P.S. Attending your session this afternoon gave me practical reminders that I will be able to apply in my own image consulting business.

Dear Jacqueline Whitmore, thank you for taking time in leaving me this message. Handwritten letters are my favorite 😊 It was a pleasure for me having you as my room mate again this year. I appreciate very much the stories we share, beauty, life tips & more! Have a safe flight back & stay healthy always. God sustain and bless us, until we see each other again at the next conference. ❤you!
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