Happy to meet this diverse group of men & women from Marikina City – majority of which belong to the medical profession & real estate etc.
As guest speaker, tonight 31st January 2019 I was tasked to do a talk on the ABC’s of PERSONAL BRANDING using the Appearance, Behaviour & Communication models of image.

ROCKTELL Open Interview Videos: Some Rotarians tonight managed to sign up thanks to the ready & fast wifi connection of the venue. As for the others? This becomes their take home activity. I look forward receiving the individual links. Great job everyone! 👍
1) Shows true self. 2) Shows communication skills. 3) Shows creativity. Brought to you by IITTI: International Soft Skills Standards & Testing. The Global Standard on Soft Skills for Improving Professional Image.
Curious to know more? CONTACT US @ +63-917-8549887 or email carol@enhanceyourimage.asia.

Thank you Doc Joel Relleve, Johnny Espiritu & everyone at Rotary District 3800_ Marikina. God continue to bless you all! 😀

LEARNING VIEWPOINTS FROM THE PARTICIPANTS: One need not be overloaded with information. Whether listening to a short or long talk, it is always a great practice to pause & pen down the important lessons. I appreciate much reading these personal take-aways as received.

HANDWRITTEN GESTURES OF LOVE: Just when I thought the night’s over & ready to leave, this smiling woman comes up to me, takes our photo selfie & hands me this folded paper. As a trainer this is POWER VITAMINS FOR THE SOUL. “Maraming Salamat po ma’am Helen. God bless you & your family!” ❤

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